We continue to follow our professional associations guidelines but we are now taking bookings based on need from Monday 8th June.
Emergency -
Urgent -
Routine -
At time of writing, the government guidelines on Covid 19 social distancing are that we should avoid non-
We are committed to providing the best for our patients in a rapidly evolving and complex situation. As such, we are taking the following measures as of Monday 11th May and until the lock-
We are now taking provisional appointments for June but these may be postponed if Covid threat increases. Hastings and Rother currently have very low infections rates but this could change now that visitors have started returning to our town. This will affect our risk assessment for patients and ourselves.
Providing treatment is a risk for the patient and clinician
All patients and any others at their place of residence must be free of Covid symptoms
for at least 14 days.
We will triage all patients and note this in patient records.
Emergency RED -
Urgent Amber -
Routine Green -
Clinicians will screen/triage their own patients by telephone 24 hours before all appointments to assess the patient’s need and risk. This must be noted in patient’s records prior to treatment.
Appointments will be made one per hour. This allows a “cool-
Appointment times to be alternated half hourly between clinicians to reduce the chance of contact crossover
Unless necessary, patients are to attend their appointments on their own.
Patients should wait in their car until near their appointment time.
Patients on arrival must ring the white bell and wait to be invited in.
Full clean down of the room will be undertaken between each patient, including chair, armrests, equipment, door handles computer keyboards etc.
Clinic rooms where possible will have open windows to encourage air flow.
Masks and visors to be worn by clinicians to protect patients along with gloves aprons this will be normal PPE.
Masks will be provided for patients to wear unless the patient is unable to wear a mask for medical reasons.
Alcohol hand rub will to be provided to patients on entry to and exit from the building.
Waiting room should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Patients are to be met at the door by staff and taken directly to the clinic room.
Payment should be by card in preference to cash; contactless preferred payment whenever possible.
Patients are advised that we will take every precaution to prevent cross-
When visiting patients at home a double glove technique will be used; only removing the primary glove after leaving the patients home.
Outer clothing will be changed and washed on arrival at home.